Change the way you think about your business.
Understand the value of your team, vehicles and sensors in a wider network of smart, responsive assets
Earn new revenue streams and help businesses support your operations.
Our continuous scheduling platform automatically generates vehicle and asset schedules that maximise asset utilisation and deliver punctuality improvements.
Automate the generation and continuous adjustment of timetables and itineraries that maximise punctuality with minimal vehicle miles.
Generate different scenarios quickly based on different service frequencies, punctuality and headway targets.
Generate vehicle duties for complex service offers in minutes.
Explore subtle adjustments to frequencies, vehicle types and headway
Build in fleet servicing and charging into individual vehicle plans
Create operations plans for complex service corridors in minutes

The new way to Schedule
Operators are battling to maintain service levels under changing traffic patters, introducing new vehicles with range constraints and dealing with unprecedented growth in the scale and complexity of the supply chain. To retain competitiveness, fleets need to embrace automation in order to be more responsive.
By automating the generation of transport and delivery schedules, flowOS enables businesses to make continuous, subtle adjustments to the whole of their operations and ensure that timetables, itineraries and fleet allocations reflect changing transport network conditions, shifts in demand and supply side constraints.
Data driven prediction of the time needed for any combination stops or delivery tasks
Rapid optimisation of fleet assignment to deliver against timetables and order books
Continuous, autonomous adjustment in response to changes on the road network / supply chain
Software interfaces that enable staff to control the rules of automation and manage exceptions
Automated, Precision Timetabling
The bedrock of effective schedule automation is data analytics. flowOS ingests your GPS, ticketing and order book data and applies advanced Data Mining and Machine Learning processes to better estimate achievable journey times at different times of the day, week and year. This data driven approach allows you to build precise, contextual timetables and delivery itineraries.
flowOS analyses data to identify regularities, understand associations and remove outliers and exceptions, processes that would be impossible via existing semi-manual methods. The result is valuable insight into:
What's realistic to schedule for under different conditions and what needs to be managed in the moment.
The probable punctuality of services under different time allocation scenarios.
The optimal trade offs between improving punctuality and saving resources
With accurate, precise journey and dwell time information at your fingertips you can go on to build scheduling processes that reflect the realities on the ground and that can give you confidence in the future performance of a service.

Optimal Resource Scheduling
With the insight needed to improve the punctuality and reliability of your service, flowOS optimises the assignment and scheduling of vehicles and other assets to build the most efficient set of duties and itineraries. flowOS contains optimisation methods for constructing the most efficient schedules that balance trade offs between arrival time certainty, response times / frequencies and resource requirements.

Cambridge Interchange
Cambridge Interchange
Our continuous scheduling platform automatically generates vehicle and asset schedules that maximise asset utilisation and deliver punctuality improvements.
Automate the generation and continuous adjustment of timetables and itineraries that maximise punctuality with minimal resource use.
Generate different scenarios quickly based on different service levels, punctuality and resource use targets.
Create operations plans for complex service offers in minutes building in fleet servicing and charging into individual vehicle plans
With the insight needed to improve the punctuality and reliability of your service, flowOS optimises the assignment and scheduling of vehicles and other assets to build the most efficient set of duties and itineraries. flowOS contains optimisation methods for constructing the most efficient schedules that balance trade offs between arrival time certainty, response times / frequencies and resource requirements.
Fleet Network Orchestration
Automating scheduling processes makes your business more responsive by enabling daily operations to react faster to changes on the ground. The ability to quickly adjust fleet allocation, itineraries, timetables or delivery windows enables you to accommodate changes in traffic conditions, new sources of demand, constraints on supply and new fleet requirements such as EV charging.
Automated schedule adjustment ensures you stay in sync with changing network conditions, complimentary services and your supply chain. The flexibility provided through automation can also be used proactively, opening up opportunities to establish new partnerships and coordinate services beyond the bounds of your own business, either up or down a supply chain or with other services in a transport network.
With flowOS you can synchronise scheduling across services so that if there's a change in one service, other service schedules will automatically adjust to ensure alignment or flowOS will flag misalignment to schedule designers. This coordination can be between different groups within your own fleet or based on data feeds from 3rd parties. Synchronising schedules enables you to offer better customer experience through joined up services that offer on end to end journeys or maximise the efficiency gains of just in time arrival and departure across a supply chain.

Design and automation tools that combine the best of human and artificial intelligence
Operators need to leverage their data but they also need to make the most of the skill, creativity and experience of their operations team to design services, make strategic decisions and intervene when major changes are needed. We've built flowOS to give your team superpowers, automating the details so your team can focus on the big picture. With the flowOS interface you can:
Design new services including deployment areas and stops, routing, frequencies, response times, asset specs and more.
Set the constraints and targets for continuous schedule optimisation.
Analyse different scenarios and quickly test alternatives.
Integrate workflows with existing telemetry systems and downstream apps.

flowOS enables you to control which operational adjustments you automate and which you leave to planning processes. Your team are also able to intervene and override instructions with flowOS reconfiguring the rest of the schedule to accommodate. This enables you to get the best of the efficiency and responsiveness of automation and the intuition, experience and creativity of your team.